Deforming Radiance Fields with Cages

ECCV 2022

1The University of Tokyo, 2RIKEN

Recent advances in radiance fields enable photorealistic rendering of static or dynamic 3D scenes, but still do not support explicit deformation that is used for scene manipulation or animation.

In this paper, we propose a method that enables a new type of deformation of the radiance field: free-form radiance field deformation. We use a triangular mesh that encloses the foreground object called cage as an interface, and by manipulating the cage vertices, our approach enables the free-form deformation of the radiance field. The core of our approach is cage-based deformation which is commonly used in mesh deformation. We propose a novel formulation to extend it to the radiance field, which maps the position and the view direction of the sampling points from the deformed space to the canonical space, thus enabling the rendering of the deformed scene. The deformation results of the synthetic dataset and the real-world dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

TL;DR: We use cage-based deformation to achieve radiance field deformation.

Method overview.

Left: original scene. Right: deformed scene.


Cage interpolation

We can animate the scene by interpolating the original cage and the deformed cage. Use the slider here to linearly interpolate between the original scene and the deformed scene.

Interpolate start reference image.


Interpolation end reference image.


Interpolate start reference image.


Interpolation end reference image.


Cage movement

Using our cage-based approach, we can also manually create a simple cage to move the objects.

Concurrent works

Please also check out NeRF-Editing. They introduce a similar idea of mesh-based deformation for geometry editing of NeRF, which takes extracted fine mesh as an interface.


    author    = {Xu, Tianhan and Harada, Tatsuya},
    title     = {Deforming Radiance Fields with Cages},
    booktitle = {ECCV},
    year      = {2022},